Current Covenant Groups

Also known as "small group ministries” and “chalice circles,” Covenant Groups are a vital part of our congregation.

Have questions? See the Covenant Groups FAQ

Open & New Groups

For over 10 years, the Covenant Group program has offered the opportunity for church members and friends to develop deeper relationships with each other and the greater church community. All the groups below are open to new members. Please take a look at the descriptions below and consider joining one! 

Inquiries or interested in signing up?  Send an e-mail to  Signup sheets will also be available on the back counter in the Sanctuary.

Let’s Chat Covenant Group

Let's Chat Covenant Group is starting back after a winter hiatus. Start date is April 12th. We will meet in the REZ from 6:30 to 8:30 on second and fourth Mondays. Topics vary from one meeting to the next. You must signup with Greg Kramer to attend.

Let's Chat is a long term Covenant Group, which means people may join at any time as long as the group doesn't have more than 10 members. With the group discussion topics for upcoming sessions we range from laughter to responsibility.

We meet second and fourth Mondays at the Church in the REZ room one. The first room on the right as you enter the REZ. We start promptly at 6:30 and end at 8:30. The plan is to continue through the summer.

You must signup by contacting Greg Kramer at to participate.

The Divine Feminine (currently full)

A four-session Covenant Group focusing on the divine feminine will take place on Sunday afternoons from 12:30 – 2:30 upstairs in the REZ. 9/24, 10/15, 10/29, 11/12 Open to all who identify as women.

In these four sessions the group will explore a culturally diverse, feminine face of God and ask how we can live into Her and bring more of Her into the world. Four goddesses from matrilineal cultures in different geographic regions will be explored.

For more information, email